ag尊龙凯时·中国官方网站五号酒店之建筑设计,亦是与广州文化融合的城市性格相呼应。沿江路上一幢建于上世纪五十年代的建筑,得以雅致改造。浅色和简洁线条感立面,体现“less is more”欧式现代风格;与街区环境呼应的入口处理,则是有机建筑理念的细致表现。
When entering the lobby, freehand paintings of the old Whampoa Wharf evoke vivid memories of Guangzhou ports and the bustling to and from on the Pearl River. As one sits along the shores, underneath the warm golden sun with the salty ocean air breeze, one can see the beckoning sky touch the earth among a vibrant crowd. The Maritime Silk Road, The Thirteen Hongs, and old Huangpu Harbor are not simply names in history; they come to life here, part of this unique journey.
Address: No.277. Yanjiang Road. Yuexiu District. Guangzhou, China
Tel: (8620) 89310505
Fax: (8620) 89310505
Email: rsvn@LnHotelFive.com.cn